Given the prevailing circumstances and the conflict in Ukraine, we are seeing a drastic increase in fuel costs. This in turn leads to sharply increased costs in the transport industry.
This means that starting on 14 / 3-2022, we must move on to adjusting our fuel supplements weekly. We follow developments closely and will return with more information in due course.
The mobility package is a common regulatory framework within the EU that has been developed to:
Improve working conditions for drivers
Create clear and unambiguous rules for posting drivers
Create better compliance with current and new regulations in the fight against illegal methods
What has already been implemented is:
The driver must not spend the weekly rest (at least 45 hours) in the cab, but it must take place in suitable and accommodation with suitable facilities. The accommodation must be paid for by the haulier / employer.
The driver must be given the opportunity to return to his home country every 3 to 4 weeks.
The changes that will take effect in February 2022 are more extensive and mean that:
Posting of a driver must take place in the countries where the current driver will operate. Among other things, the employer must state the period with start and end dates for the assignment in each country. All information must be registered in IMI, which is an information system for the internal market
When the quota for cabotage transports has been filled, the crew and driver concerned are referred to leave the country in which the cabotage transports were carried out for a so-called cooling-off period, which must be for at least four days before being allowed to return.
Exceptions for cabotage transports (road section) for combined transports are abolished
Fthe order must return to the country of origin, the country in which the vehicle is registered, every eight weeks
The number of permitted cabotage transports will continue to be a maximum of three during a 7-day period after the end of international transport
The consequences of the steps already introduced together with the steps that will be introduced in the future will be as follows:
The lack of capacity and drivers will be even more palpable and extensive than it is already under the current strained situation
Increased, more complicated and expensive administration
More expensive overheads, reduced capacity and increased administration lead to increased shipping prices
Environmental impact
In addition to the above, further decisions will be implemented in the future as follows: May 2022, light transport vehicles weighing over 2.5 tonnes will also be covered by EU haulage standards
During 2023-2025, “Smart tachograph version2” will be introduced. Initially, this will take place in new vehicles, but during the period also in older vehicles, so that by 2025 all affected vehicles will be present
We follow developments closely and will update our customers as we receive more information.
Sincerely JATA Cargo AB
Kvalité & Miljö
På JATA Cargo ser vi det som en självklarhet att jobba med kvalités- och miljöfrågor och är därför kvalitets och miljöcertifierade enligt ISO 9001:2008 och ISO 14001:2004.
Certifikat finns till nedladdning.
Vi skall på ett engagerat, ansvarsfullt och förbättringsinriktat sätt tillsammans med våra samarbetspartners producera kundanpassade transportlösningar.
Genom trovärdighet, flexibilitet och hög kompetens skall vi uppfylla ställda krav och bygga långsiktiga kundrelationer.
Vi skall välja leverantörer som levererar rätt gods till rätt plats i rätt tid.
Genom effektiva administrativa rutiner producera dokument på ett korrekt sätt.
JATA Cargo AB skall utifrån sina egna förutsättningar och resurser bedriva ett aktivt miljöarbete och bidra till en minskad miljöbelastning i företaget och dess omvärld
Genom att:
Känna till och följa lagar, förordningar och föreskrifter inom miljöområdet,
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